Živočíšne lipoxygenázy – mechanizmus katalýzy vo vzťahu k tvorbe biologicky účinných eikozanoidov
Klíčová slova:
lipoxygenáza, mechanizmus katalýzy, eikozanoidyAbstrakt
Lipoxygenases form a family of nonheme iron-containing enzymes involved in the lipid peroxidation processes. They participate, together with cyclooxygenases and cytochrome P-450, in the arachidonic acid metabolism, forming a group of cell signal molecules and secondary messengers called eicosanoids. The lipoxygenase-catalyzed reactions are highly controlled processes mediated by steric shielding of substrate by bulky amino acid side chains in the reaction center. Equally important is the channeling of molecular oxygen and the anchoring of substrate in a substrate-binding cavity. From the viewpoint of development of new effective drugs, study of lipoxygenases and biologically active eicosanoids opens new horizons for affecting pathological processes.